Right-click and select Duplicate Selected.Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple items, or draw a box around multiple items to select them. Use the Select button to select one or more annotation items.To copy and paste annotation items after creating them, follow these steps: Use the ENVI Preferences dialog for this. You can also change the default properties of annotation items before you create them.Their shared properties are displayed beneath the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the ENVI application. To do this, draw a box around the annotations in the current view, or use the Ctrl key to select multiple annotation items in the current view.

You can change the shared properties of multiple annotation items for example, change the color of multiple text annotations.Once you create an annotation layer, its properties are displayed beneath the Toolbox in the lower-right corner of the ENVI application.Symbol, ellipse, rectangle, and picture annotations are initially drawn orthogonally to the display axes, regardless of the orientation (rotation) of the underlying data layer.To unselect one or more annotations, right-click and choose Clear Selected.For picture annotations, the aspect ratio is always maintained. Click and drag on a selection handle (indicated by a cyan-colored square) to resize an annotation.Click and drag to move an annotation to a different location.See the Text, Polylines and Polygons, Arrows, Pictures, Legends, Color Bars, Scale Bars, and Image Magnifier sections below for specific instructions about these annotation types. In the active layer, click the Annotations drop-down list in the toolbar and select the annotation tool type, then click where you want to add the annotation.Here are some general tips for adding annotations: This is useful, for example, in creating a Powerpoint presentation from the view.Īnnotation types include text, symbol, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, polyline, arrow, picture, legend, color bar, and scale bar. To create an annotation object from the legend that you can overlay on the image, right-click the layer name and select Load Layer as Annotation. If you open an OGC WMS raster layer that contains a legend, the legend displays in the Layer Manager.This creates a copy of the layer(s) to populate the views. If you have multiple views displayed, you can drag-and-drop annotation layers from the Layer Manager to any one of those views in the display or to the corresponding view icons in the Layer Manager.
(Linux and Mac users should click the green check icon to accept the new name or click the red X icon to cancel.) Enter the new name in the Rename Item dialog and press the Enter key to accept it or press the Esc key to cancel.